Deaf Mute Eskrima
BSF has established the Bali branch of the Combined Martial Arts Academy (http://www.thecmaa.com) for the introduction and fostering of the Philipine martial arts of Eskrima,also known as Arnis and Kali.Working the deaf mute athletes fro Gianyar,BSF has developed the sport to a point where one of the deaf mute eskrimadors won a silver medal at the world championships in 2014.
24 – 27 September,2015 saw BSF, in conjunction with CMAA, Jakarta, hold the 2nd Bali International Stickfighting Challenge. The event was held at the GOR Gunug Agung, Amlapura, Karangasem, a large indoor stadium in the eastern regency of Bali. Competitors from Australia, Indonesia, Philippines, Singapore, the UK & USA converged on the GOR to fight their way to glory. Different codes of stickfighting were represented among the international fighters with many attending in the hope that all codes can be integrated in the best interests of the sport.
With not just one, but four Grand Masters attending, standards were high & competition was fierce from the start. The event started with registration of all fighters followed by a workshop conducted by Grand Master Glen Gardiner from CMAA to ensure the fighters were aware of all the competition rules. All the fighters were prepared to go to the extreme to prove their ability as they fought hard. Novice fighters from Indonesia proved their worth and dedication to the sport as they pushed more seasoned fighters from other countries to their limits. In the teams event fighters fought their best with strength, agility and skills that made their Teams proud. Congratulations must go to all the Winners in every classification with John Mac from the Philippines taking the Trophy for Best Male, Tamara Bellinger from Australia for Best Female. A special congratulations goes to the 11 Deaf / Mute Indonesian Athletes who played hard and impressed the other Teams with their determination.
A special congratulations must go to two BSF fighters – Made Suwidiarta and Gusti Nyoman Satriawan who have been invited to compete in the Australia Stickfighting Championships in Broome in November 2015
A demonstration of the traditional Gebug Ende – traditional stick fighting from Seraya in Karangasem, held on the first day, was a highlight of a great 4 day Tournament with seasoned fighters from Australia giving it a try. The Event was supported by Coca-Cola & BIMC.
The 3rd Bi-Annual Bali Stickfighting Challenge will be held in 2017 and is open to the public showcasing this dynamic and electrifying Martial Art Form