300 athletes expected for the 1st Bali Paragames
Over 300 athletes are expected for the inaugural Bali ParaGames,which start on Thursday 11 July. Adaptive athletes from the Gianyar team training for the the 1st Bali Paragames. Deaf athlete,mute4th Bali Ocean Swim
The 2013 Bali Ocean Swim has been swum, won and enjoyed. Details at http://www.balioceanswim.com But the Bali Ocean Swim can perhaps claim a world record – a 55 year old
More than Sport joins BSF Blind & Autistic Swimming program
BSF Blind & Autistic swim program was joined by surfers from the Oakley Pro at Keramas and by triathletes in Bali for the Bali Triathlon. This was organised by
BSF Asia introduces Wheelchair Basketball to Bali
The first wheelchair basketball was played on June 22 ,at the BSF Asia Sports Hall With sports wheelchairs from UCP ,and with a donation from Hotel Kristal,BSF now has 14
4th Bali Ocean Swim
4th Bali Ocean Swim On 7 July 2013 Yayasan Damai Olahraga Bali/BSF Asia (BSF) will hold the 4th annual Bali ocean swim in front of Bali Garden Hotel on Kuta4th Coaltrans Bali Charity Soccer Sixes
On Saturday 1 June 2013 at the Grand Bali Beach sport fields, BSF Asia organized the Coaltrans ‘ Bali International Charity Soccer Sixes tournament was held in perfect dry season15th Hotel Kristal Charity Golf Tournament at Jagorawi Golf Course
On November 15th 2013, Hotel Kristal will host their 15th Hotel Kristal Charity Golf Tournament at Jagorawi Golf Course, which over the past 14 years has successfuly raised over US$900,000
Deaf Mute Surf Program
Graduates from BSF Asia swimming program – put those skills to the test by learning to Surf with BSF and Bali Internships. Life is better when you surf! Surfing connects,