2nd Coaltrans Bali Charity Soccer Sixes 2011
Sunday 29 May,at Tri Sakti field in Legian saw the holding of the 2nd Coaltrans Bali Charity Soccer Sixes run by BSF Asia.
16 teams of Under 14 players from all over Bali,competed for the Coaltrans Cup.
And on an individual level,players knew a good performance could earn them a selection in the BSF Asia team to compete in Singapore in the SCC Soccer Sixes.
After a hard fought tournament the final standings were as follows
- Assaba
- Canggu Club
- Guntur
- Mandala United
- Bali Soccer Boys
BSF Asia would like to thank Coaltrans for their kind support throughout the year,BIMC for medical assistance,Coca Cola for providing rehydration for the players and to the selectors and BSF staff.