4th Bali Ocean Swim

4th Bali Ocean Swim
On 7 July 2013 Yayasan Damai Olahraga Bali/BSF Asia (BSF) will hold the 4th annual Bali ocean swim in front of Bali Garden Hotel on Kuta Beach. The swim will be held over 3 distances – 1.2, 5 and 10 kilometres. The swim is open to all: from amateur to world class, from local to international, and from junior to masters.
The safety of swimmers is overseen by the Kuta Beach lifeguards (Balawista). BSF have also been involved in establishing and supporting the Nippers program. Staff from BIMC hospital, will also be on hand to assist swimmers if necessary.
A Korean man, aged 55, has recently proposed entering the Bali ocean swim and says he will swim the 10 km swim by butterfly – the entire 10 kms! His swim at the Bali ocean swim could set a world record.
In other entrant news
After four years, the Bali Ocean Swim has just received its first entrant from India. And also our first swim entrant from Brunei. BSF are thrilled to be expanding the international reputation of the swim, and warmly welcome these and all our entrants. Our Indian entrant is a teenager champion marathon open water swimmer, whose achievements include the Robbin Island swim, 7.2 kms in 14 degrees. With her times over 10 kms, she just might be the one to beat?
And we just had an Italian swimmer enter. So our ocean swim is truely becoming one with an international cast of competitors.
But, as always, BSF, encourages competing itself as a positive, and through our expansion into assisting people with disabilities, particularly with the holding of the inaugural Bali Paragames just after the ocean swim, BSF continues to uphold its core value: sport can change lives.
Proceeds from the Bali Ocean Swim are used by the BSF to fund a swimming and water safety program for disabled children and youth in Bali. The disabled swimming program is run regularly at six venues. Other projects run by the Foundation include Junior Self Defense, the Orphanage Sports Program, wheelchair basketball program and amputee Surf program
For more information on the swim and registration see http://www.balioceanswim.com and you can also email us at:info@balioceanswim.com
Swimmers can register at the reception of Bali Garden Hotel from Monday 1st July to Saturday 6th July.