Deaf Mute Surf Program

Graduates from BSF Asia swimming program – put those skills to the test by learning to Surf with BSF and Bali Internships.
Life is better when you surf! Surfing connects, creates friendship, unleashes new feelings of power and strength and thus significantly increases your personal wellbeing. So they thought why they shouldn’t take advantage of these utterly positive characteristics and make a change in the life of less fortunate children. On May 1st, 2013 in Halfway Kuta Beach, Bali Internships and Yayasan Damai OlahRaga Bali held surfing day, teach them how to surf, and made a lot of fun.
They had the idea to create a surf project for disabled and unfortunate children of Bali.
As they have a passionate surfer and an experienced young surf teacher/ guide in our team, they had strong will to pass on his experience to those, who would need the positive effects of surfing the most. In cooperation with YayasanDamaiOlahraga Bali, Bali Internships asked the 36 children of the PantiAsuhanYayasanKesayanIkang Papa in Gianyar, if they would like to learn surfing and the response was overwhelming. 16 children raised their hands. Only 2 of the children can hear and talk, all other children are deaf-mute. Some of them still have parents; some of them are abandoned by their family. Not knowing how to deal with these disabilities, it is very common for Indonesian families to isolate their children from a normal life and neglect them. This is how the children happened to life in the orphanage, isolated in their own group. They all attend a school for special needs (SekolahLuarBiasaNegeriGianyar), which is just opposite of the orphanage.